Searching for Volunteer Opportunities

In a recent post, we discussed how volunteering can be a great way to give back without actively spending money. Today, we’re going to go over the benefits of volunteering. Keep in mind that volunteering can take time to figure out; you may have to try working for different organizations before finding one that fits.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering can have major personal benefits. Making a positive difference can be great for improving your self-confidence. You are likely to make long-lasting friendships while working with people who share your passions. It can also be a way to gain real-world experience that enhances your resume. Volunteering has even been proven to improve individuals’ health. It can lead to increased physical activity and better mental stability.
But perhaps most importantly, volunteering is an essential part of many nonprofits. Many consider volunteers to be the backbone of their organizations and critical to operating at maximum capacity. They can have the technical and soft skills necessary to the long-term success of a charity or similar organization.
However, you shouldn’t think of yourself as a gift to nonprofits. Nonprofit organizers still need to onboard volunteers, which takes time and resources. To be the best possible volunteer, you have to try to make that process as easy as possible.
Know Your Skills
Volunteering for a nonprofit organization requires and strengthens many interpersonal skills. You must be able to learn quickly and solve any problems that arise while working on a project. These skills can be transferable to a paid position, which can entice many potential employers. Ultimately, volunteering requires professionalism, just like any other job.
Any technical skills you have can also be useful when searching for volunteer work. Nonprofits have many IT needs which can be resolved faster with technical expertise. Some tech companies, such as Microsoft, even encourage their technical employees to volunteer.
Tools to Help
Finding volunteer opportunities can be easy if you have the correct tools. For skilled volunteering, Catchafire can be especially helpful. For more generalized work, there are plenty of resources on organizations’ websites. Local organizations join various other sites which help them find volunteers in the area.
Once you begin working consistently for an organization you believe in, it’s easy to take volunteering a step further. Higher Rewards helps strengthen relationships with charities and nonprofits by making you a consistent donor and member of their teams.